Nikita Ladchenko UA @Omicron

About me

Member since May 05, 2019 Ukraine

Look for Omicron 124 to add me in game : )

Racing The Skyline
User Omicron
1 583
Nebulae Palette
User Omicron
0 560
Stellar Fossils
User Omicron
0 514
Anchored In Outer Space
User Omicron
1 538
Rogue Drone Hive
User Omicron
0 540
Scattered Prospects
User Omicron
0 518
Colours of Anoikis
User Omicron
0 543
Bleeding Into Vacuum
User Omicron
0 534
Abandoned Outpost
User Omicron
0 539
Shattered and Abandoned
User Omicron
0 546
Gallentean Refuge
User Omicron
0 542
Anomalous Port
User Omicron
0 528
Glory to Gallente Engineering!
User Omicron
0 657
Destination Unknown
User Omicron
0 594
Sprawling Port
User Omicron
0 898
Abandoned Research Outpost
User Omicron
0 680
Palatinate Veil
User Omicron
0 754
Challange Awaits
User Omicron
0 674
Conducting Survey
User Omicron
0 725
Smoke From Down Below
User Omicron
0 706
Pillars Of Creations
User Omicron
0 751
Gravimetric Scan
User Omicron
0 650
Shattered Space
User Omicron
0 676
Triglavian Wormhole
User Omicron
0 725
Let The Battle Begin
User Omicron
0 842
Data Gathering
User Omicron
0 676
Hazard Warning
User Omicron
0 639
Red Glowing Dust
User Omicron
1 629
The Unobserved Deep
User Omicron
0 1226
Hot Pursuit
User Omicron
0 1277
Settled Stars
User Omicron
1 1325
Natural Formation
User Omicron
0 1213
Sleep On Standby
User Omicron
0 1063
Brown Is the Color of the Calm
User Omicron
0 1229
Approach Vector
User Omicron
0 1365
Cloack Engaged
User Omicron
0 1391
Ancient Advancements
User Omicron
1 1212
Forcing A Way Through
User Omicron
0 1380
Orthrus Claws
User Omicron
1 1287
Anoikis Relics
User Omicron
0 1197
My Other Residency
User Omicron
1 1392
Moon Resources
User Omicron
1 1179
Poking Through Debris
User Omicron
0 1255
Obelisk Shipyard Business
User Omicron
1 1226
Reaching Through Eternity
User Omicron
0 1163
Murky Ruins
User Omicron
0 1191
Hold the Line
User Omicron
0 1233
Aid Convoy
User Omicron
0 1237
Ripped Apart
User Omicron
0 1171
Scattered Glory
User Omicron
0 1169
Where Evil Lurks
User Omicron
1 1361
Nebular Child
User Omicron
0 1291
On the Emperial Course
User Omicron
0 1270
Mint & Strawberry
User Omicron
0 1244
Swift Harvest
User Omicron
0 1344
Mute Statement
User Omicron
0 1256
Minmatar Serenity
User Omicron
0 1395
Incardine Dream
User Omicron
0 1318
Sansha's Wrath
User Omicron
0 1193
Hunter Unveiled
User Omicron
1 1272